Phone Number: 800.321.5625

Address: 2121 Diehl Road, #131 | Aurora, IL 60502

Tech Support

Application Services

Whether it is a developing application, or there is a need to improve on an existing assembly, the Engineering staff at Aztech Locknut can provide technical assistance.  When the requirement escalates from customer support discussions into the need for a detailed analysis, testing and reports, Aztech can provide the expertise to assure the performance the application requires.

Locknut engineering is an essential part of our added value proposition to our Distributor customers and the Original Equipment Manufacturers they serve.  Going to the point of use and discussing Locknut Products is many times the best way to assure end user satisfaction.

• On-site product testing
• Product line performance & comparisons
• On-site product training
• Application review
• Discussion of unique Aztech systems & capabilities
• Relationship and confidence building

Aztech Locknut Company operates Torque & Tension Laboratory and Consulting as an independent ISO 17025 accredited resource for the testing and certifying of fastener products and assemblies. TTL services are available to complete intensive and detailed testing and analysis to an extent not typically available from locknut suppliers.
